Notropis oxyrhynchus
sharpnose shiner
Type Locality
Brazos River, at Wellborn
Crossing, Brazos Co., TX (Hubbs and Bonham 1951).
Etymology/Derivation of Scientific Name
Derived from the Greek words
meaning oxys (sharp) and rynchus (snout) (Hubbs and Bonham
Synonymy: Not applicable.
Maximum size: Up to 95
mm (3.74 in) SL (Durham 2007).
Coloration: Straw
color with silvery sides. Dorsal scales outlined with pigments. Ventral
white and without pigments.
teeth count: 1,4-4,1 or 2,4-4,2 (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Counts: 9-12 anal fin
soft rays (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Body shape: Laterally
compressed body; broad body depth; pointed snout.
Mouth position:
Terminal and oblique.
External morphology:
Slightly falcate anal fin, dorsal fin begins well behind insertion of the
pelvic fin (Hubbs et al. 1991). Slightly decurved lateral line.
Distribution (Native and Introduced)
U.S. distribution:
Texas only.
Texas distribution:
Endemic to Brazos River drainage. Naturally found in the Red River
drainage, when a tributary to the Brazos River was captured into the Red
River drainage (Conner and Suttkus 1986, Cross et al. 1986). Introduced in
the Colorado River drainage (Gilbert 1980; Conner and Suttkus 1986). Warren
et al. (2000) listed the following drainage units for distribution of
Notropis oxyrhynchus in the state: Brazos River, Colorado River.
[Additional literature
noting collection of this species from Texas locations includes, but is not
limited to the following: Jurgens (1954); Hubbs (1957); Gelwick and Li
(2002); Li (2003); Winemiller et al. (2004); Zeug et al. 2005).]
Abundance/Conservation status (Federal, State,
Non-governmental organizations)
Threatened (Hubbs et al.
1991, Warren et al. 2000). Considered a candidate for listing by USFWS.
Mean relative abundance decreased from 22% (1939 - 1969) to 0.04% (1970 –
2006) in the lower Brazos River. Populations likely extirpated in the
middle Brazos River (Possum Kingdom Reservoir to Waco, TX) and appear stable
in the upper Brazos River.
Habitat Associations
Macrohabitat: Mainstem
river; sometimes entering smaller tributaries.
Mesohabitat: Moderate
current velocities and depths. Preference for 0.35 m/s when average current
velocities <50 m/s; tend to avoid swifter currents and greater depths during
periods of elevated discharge (Durham 2007). Usually found in areas with
sand substrate. In the upper Brazos River, Texas, species was most abundant
at downstream sites where current velocity and depth were greatest;
progressive decrease in abundance at upstream sites (Ostrand and Wilde
2002). Species has high thermal, low dissolved oxygen, and high salinity
tolerances: mean critical thermal maxima = 39.2 ± 0.2°C (102-103°
F); salinity tolerance
= 15 ± 0.72‰; minimum dissolved oxygen tolerance (mean = 2.66 ± 0.12 mg/L)
(Ostrand and Wilde 2001).
Spawning season: Developing ovaries in
April, mature ovaries by mid-May through September with multiple peaks in
gonadosomatic index, spent ovaries from July through October (Durham 2007).
Spawning habitat: Open water.
Reproductive strategy: Likely open
substrate pelgophil producing semi-buoyant eggs. Batch spawner, producing
multiple cohorts within a spawning season; population usually asynchronously
egg production, but might also synchronously spawn during pulse flows
(Durham 2007).
Fecundity: Range from 80 to 2,470
vitellogenic oocytes per female; mean number ranged from 245 to 303
vitellogenic oocytes per female; maximum gonadosomatic index is 18% for females
and 2% for males; maximum oocyte diameter is 1.1 mm (Durham 2007).
Age at maturation: Likely age 1.
Migration: No substantial migratory
movements by this species have been discovered
(Durham 2007).
Growth and Population Structure:
Mean growth rates for age-1 sharpnose shiners averaged 0.60 mm (0.02 in) TL/day over
a 62 day period (Marks 1999). Majority of
population is age 1 (Durham 2007).
Longevity: Up to age 2
(Marks 1999, Durham 2007).
Food habits:
Generalist drift invertivore, consuming aquatic and terrestrial
invertebrates (71% of diet) detritus, plant material and sand (Marks 1999,
Moss and Mayes 1993; Marks et al. 2001).
Phylogeny and morphologically similar fishes
Belongs to subgenus
Notropis; closely related to Texas shiner (N. amabilis), emerald
shiner (N.
atherinoides), Rio Grande shiner (N. jemezanus), and silverband
shiner (N. shumardi) (Bielawski and Gold 2001, Amemiya and Gold 1990, Coburn and
Cavender 1992).
Host Records
No information at this time.
Commercial or Environmental Importance
No information at this time.
Amemiya, C.T. and J.R. Gold. 1990. Cytogenetic studies in North American
minnows (Cyprinidae): XVII. Chromosomal NOR phenotypes of 12 species, with
comments on cytosomatic relationships among 50 species. Hereditas
Bielawski, J.P. and J.R. Gold. 2001. Phylogenetic Relationships of Cyprinid
Fishes in Subgenus Notropis Inferred from Nucleotide Sequences of the
Mitochondrially Encoded Cytochrome b Gene. Copeia, 2001(3):656-667.
Coburn, M.M. and T.M. Cavender 1992. Interrelationships of North American
fishes, In: Systematics, historical ecology, and North American
freshwater fishes. R. L. Mayden (ed.). Stanford University Press, Stanford,
Conner, J.V. and R.D. Suttkus. 1986. Zoogeography of freshwater fishes of
the western Gulf Slope of North America. Pages 413-456 in C.H. Hocutt
and E.O. Wiley, editors. The zoogeography of North American freshwater
fishes. Wiley, New York.
Cross, F.B., Mayden, R.L., and J.D. Stewart. 1986. Fishes in the Western
Mississippi drainage. Pages 363-412 in C. H. Hocutt and E.O. Wiley,
editors. The zoogeography of North American Freshwater Fishes. Wiley, New
Durham, B.W. 2007. Reproductive ecology, habitat associations, and
populaton dynamics of two imperiled cyprinids in a great plains river.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock.
Fuller, P., L.G. Nico and J.D. Williams. 1999. Nonindigenous Fishes
Introduced into Inland Waters of the United States. American Fisheries
Society Special Publication 27, Bethesda, Maryland. 613 pp.
Gelwick, F.P., and R.Y. Li. 2002. Mesohabitat use and community structure of
the Brazos River Fishes in the vicinity of the proposed Allens Creek
Reservoir. Report to the Texas Water Development Board. 55 pp.
Gilbert, C.R. 1980. Notropis oxyrhynchus (Hubbs and Bonham),
Sharpnose shiner. pp.291 in D.S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American
Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, i-r+854 pp.
Hubbs, C. 1957. Distributional patterns of Texas fresh-water fishes. The
Southwestern Naturalist 2(2/3):89-104.
Hubbs, C.L., and K. Bonham. 1951. New Cyprinid fishes of the genus
Notropis from Texas. The Texas Journal of Science 1:91-110.
Hubbs, C.L., R.J. Edwards, and G.P. Garrett. 1991. An annotated checklist of
freshwater fishes of Texas, with key to identification of species. Texas
Journal of Science, Supplement 43(4):1-56.
Jurgens, K.C. 1954. Records for four Cyprinid fishes of the genera
Notropis and Semotilus from Central Texas. 1954(2):155-156.
Li, R.Y. 2003. The influence of environmental factors on spatial and
temporal variation of fish assemblages in the lower Brazos River, Texas.
M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station. 71 pp.
Marks, D.E. 1999. Life History Characteristics of the sharpnose shiner (Notropis
oxyrhynchus) and the smalleye shiner (Notropis buccula) in the
Brazos River, Texas. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock.
Marks, D. E., G. R. Wilde, K. G. Ostrand and Philip J. Zwank. 2001. Foods of
the smalleye shiner and sharpnose shiner in the upper Brazos River, Texas.
Texas Journal of Science, 53(4):327-334.
Moss, R .E. and K. B. Mayes. 1993. Current status of Notropis buccula
and Notropis oxyrhynchus in Texas. Final report, project number
E-1-4. Resource Protection Division, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,
Ostrand, K.G., and G.R. Wilde. 2001. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and
salinity tolerances of five prairie stream fishes and their role in
explaining fish assemblage patterns. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 130:742-749.
Ostrand, K.G., and G.R. Wilde. 2002. Seasonal and spatial variation in a
prairie stream-fish assemblage. Ecology of Freshwater Fishes 11:137-149.
Warren, M.L. Jr., B.M. Burr, S. J. Walsh, H.L. Bart Jr., R. C. Cashner, D.A.
Etnier, B. J. Freeman, B.R. Kuhajda, R.L. Mayden, H. W. Robison, S.T. Ross,
and W. C. Starnes. 2000. Diversity, distribution and conservation status of
the native freshwater fishes of the southern United States. Fisheries
Winemiller, K.O., F.P. Gelwick, T.H. Bonner, S. Zeug, and C. Williams. 2004.
Response of oxbow lake biota to hydrologic exchanges with the Brazos River
channel. Final Project Report to the Texas Water Development Board. 59 pp.
Zeug, S.C., K.O. Winemiller, and S. Toner. 2005. Response of Brazos River
oxbow fish assemblages to patterns of hydrologic connectivity and
environmental variability. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 134:1389-1399.